The College started Floriculture as an Add- on course in 2017 with RUSA, MHRD as the funding unit. The course is for a duration of 1(one) year and offered to the 5th and 6th Semester students. There are 4 (four) poly houses; 2 (two) in the present campus and 2 (two) in the new campus. A demonstration cum office block and a mali quarter is constructed in the new campus.
The course syllabus is adopted from the Kohima Science College Floriculture Skill Enhancement Course- (BOS 3.11).
Theoretical classes are taken up every Wednesday. In the art of nurturing plants practical classes is followed through every Friday.
Two teachers attended a one day training program on Floriculture under Mission for Integrated Development for Horticulture (MIDH) in 2017.