The 6th Alumni day celebration of the Pfutsero Govt. College was held on 4th Nov 2023 with its former Vice-Principal Mr. Medozu Mero as the Guest Speaker Mr.Mero, in his speech, he encouraged the gathering to live with humility and upheld a life of servitude. He further stated that the best lessons in life are cultivated by learning to appreciate the people who taught them. And Success should not be viewed only through the lens of academical excellence but rather be applied to all spheres of human activity and endeavor with diligence and dignity applying it as their life mission. The T.L. Singsit award for the Best Teacher 2022 was awarded to Mr. Neichupe Kapfo, the Vice Principal of the college and the Best Graduate 2022 was awarded to Smti Khroyilou Pfuno, Dept. of English. The Alumni Association felicitated its former students, Miss. Rosemary Mero Miss Belou Khutso and Miss Huvelu Dasal for successfully clearing the NPSC,NCS,NPS and Allied Services, and Miss Botoli Wotsa Miss Phek 2023,2 runners up In the program, the welcome note was addressed by Mr.Elika Mero, President Alumni Asoociation, Miss Rosemary Mero,Vice President shared her experience and gave an insight of her experience for her success. The program was also enthralled with special numbers from Muluveyi Theluo and Pfuzuto Tetseo and friends. The program was chaired by Nirmaya Chettri.