Library Facilities:
Photocopy Facility at discounted rate:
The Library has started Xerox facilities for both students and teachers at a discounted rate to aid to their needs.
The Library reading room has CCTV mounted to observe and monitor visitors’ activity. And also to prevent stealing, loss of books or any unauthorized activities.
SOUL 2.0:
The Library has recently automated using SOUL 2.0 from INFLIBNET to improve its services. It is still uploading data using the DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) for all 8 disciplines. Since the software is very new, the Asstt. Librarain and Library Attendant were sent for a training conducted for the same at the main centre of INFLIBNET Gandhinagar. The library is semi-automated and attempts are being made to fully atomize it in the near future.
A separate Computer is kept for library users to access to internet resources and use Soul 2.0 WEBOPAC to access to the library resources. WEBOPAC can be accessed on students’ personal mobile phones with the help of wi-fi connectivity.
Internet Facility:
The College Library is wi-fi enabled and has been installed for students’ academic purposes. Where students can browse and download articles to supplement their reading and assignments.
The Library facilitates students’ service by subscribing for 3 local periodicals and employment newspaper. Namely: Nagaland Post, Morung Express and a vernacular Tenyidie newspaper; Capi especially for Tenyidie students.
Journals / Magazines:
The Library has initiated the subscription of Journals in most of the disciplines which also include online journals, from SAGE Publishing Pvt. Limited, KY Publishers – Guntur, Indian Economic Research Journal, etc. to name a few. In another word, journals which are UGC approved and are highly rated. Our target is to subscribe for at least 1-2 journals per discipline to aid to the research study of both teachers and students, and especially encourage teachers for research and project works.
The Library has subscribed to renowned national and local magazines to ensure that students stay updated with the latest news and current affairs. To mention a few are; India Today, The Week, Business Economics, etc. which are subscribed annually.
The Library has initiated its focus on e-resources to improve its service and expand Library knowledge resources. Several e-journals and books have been recently added to our collection. We have registered to National Digital Library, Amazon Kindleunlimited, and Rakuten Kobo where access and registration is free. Since the College is attempting for 12 (B) Status, registering on N-List, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga, and other paid sites are in the offing. Serious attempts are being made to accomplish the status in the immediate future since it offer valuable privileges.
Reading facilities:
The Library has separate reading cubicles and chairs, and comfortable reading furniture for readers and can accommodate around 20 students.
The Library has started its archive to store old questions papers, old and rare books, data and records, periodicals, etc. Best cock pump mechanisms enhance blood flow, inducing penile rigidity efficiently. Devices vary in vacuum strength, materials, and safety features. Potential risks and benefits you can check here to ensure optimal outcomes. Consultations advised for specific concerns. for students and teachers to refer.
Facility for Differently-abled:
The Library has constructed a path for the differently-abled students and assigned a space for them. Due to space constraints, a separate reading table and chair is not provided but the facility provided is equally comfortable for reading.
Every financial year, a budget is laid for all the disciplines and the amount is released to the HOD’s or the Librarian for specific purchase of books. In case of an emergent situation like a new discipline being introduced (Sociology in 2016), an adjustment of budget allotment is made. Books and study materials are purchased either individually at the POP in the local markets, through contacts outside the state, or online.
A brief data of the budget laid for purchase of books for the past 5 years is given in the table:
Average annual expenditure for purchase of books during the last five years:
Sl. No. | Year of Expenditure | Expenditure on the purchase of books
(in Rupees) |
1 | 2013-2014
30,000 |
2 | 2014-2015
65,650 |
3 | 2015-2016
30,000 |
4 | 2016-2017
84,900 |
5 | 2017-2018
50,000 |
The college and the committee have decided that more budget will be marked for increasing the collection and equipping it with good reference and study materials. And another budget laid for journals and e-resources.
Best Practices:
The Library has initiated Best Practices to improve Library services and encourage Library use. In 2018, the College has started the Best Library User Award which went to Mr. Lielhouve Doulo 5th Semester. For which an honorarium and certificate is given. Last year, the Library started the Student Librarian to encourage students to earn while they learn. An amount of Rs. 200 is awarded every month and basic book-keeping is taught. The Library also started the Library Book Club in 30th July 2015, inaugurated by Shri. Sangmai C. Imlong ADC Pfutsero, to instill the habit of reading but closed due to budget constraints. With the initiation of the Library department the Club was revived last year.
Future Plans:
The College has laid future plans for the Library to improve its services and students’ support facilities.
1. To increase the reading capacity of students
2. The Library desires to increase its Reference Collection by investing on international authors and publishers to facilitate and encourage research
3. To enrol in N-list, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga, etc. in the immediate future to aid to the knowledge needs of students and teachers
4. To invest in e-resources and initiate optimum usage of materials available through library networking/ loan
5. To facilitate services that improve functionalities; better internet connectivity, uninterrupted power supply, supply of drinking water, separate rest rooms for Ladies and Gents, reading lounge for teachers/ teaching faculty, facilities for research scholars
6. The library plans to fully Automate the Library in the near future