Twenty NSS volunteers from Pfutsero Government College, led by Programme Officer Nüveta Khüsoh, represented Nagaland at the North East NSS Festival from July 1st to 5th, 2024.
The North East NSS Festival 2024, held at Manipur University, Imphal, under the theme ‘Digital Youth: Transforming India Together,’ was organized by the NSS Cell of Manipur University, Canchipur, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate, NSS Guwahati, under the aegis of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. Professor N. Lokendra Singh, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of Manipur University, served as the Chief Guest, and Shri Nakul Chandra Deori, Youth Officer, NSS, NER Guwahati, Ministry of YAS, Government of India, was the Guest of Honor. Altogether, around 300 volunteers from five states participated in the mega event.